The University Club is a private club funded by its membership. The Club welcomes new members within four different membership categories. Please review the following information and complete a member application within the category that reflects your relationship with the University. If you have any questions, please contact the general office at 250.721.7935.

our memberships

regular membership

All regular University of Victoria faculty and staff are eligible for Regular membership in the University Club. As Regular members, you may vote at all annual and special meetings of the Club.
Monthly dues are $30 plus applicable taxes (Annually: $360 plus applicable taxes)

Special Offer:  FREE One Year Membership
Any UVic regular employee who would be eligible for a Regular membership and has not been a member before is eligible for a one year free membership.

associate membership

Associate membership is open to the general public, University of Victoria Alumni Association, Faculty Clubs at other universities who have retired to the Victoria area, sabbatical visitors to UVic and sessional instructors of UVic courses who are recommended by a current member may apply for Associate membership.

Members of the University of Victoria Senate, Board of Governors, and Executive & Directors of the University of Victoria Alumni Association also are invited to join as Associate members. Monthly dues are $30 plus applicable taxes (Annually: $360 plus applicable taxes)

Special Offer:  FREE One Year Membership
UVic alumni are eligible for a one-time, one-year, free University Club associate membership if they have not previously been a Club member. Present your Alumni Card at the club to apply for your new club membership card or include your Alumni Association number on the Associate Membership application form

retiree membership

A Regular member who has retired fully from the University and has been a Regular member for at least five years is invited to apply to be a Retiree member. Monthly dues are $15.00 plus applicable taxes.

UVic Retirees Association (UVRA)  – Membership is open to all members of the UVRA. Monthly dues are $15.00 plus applicable taxes. UVic Retirees’ are eligible for a one-time, one-year, free University Club associate membership if they have not previously been a Club member.

corporate membership

Companies who do business with the University community are encouraged to join the University Club. There is no initiation fee and Annual membership dues are $670 plus applicable taxes, payable in one lump sum. This works out to only $55 plus applicable taxes per month.